A winner is declared for each deck and the overall winner is the person, or team, who wins the most decks (not individual cards!).
The rules of the BS game are fairly simple each player takes a turn decided whether the 'fact' read out is true or false by declaring 'no bull' or 'bullsh*t'. Inside each box are 3 coloured decks of special trivia cards, a dice and the all-important set of instructions. This entertaining card game is for 2 to 8 players and tests your ability to decipher fact from fiction. The likelihood of actually knowing the answer is fairly low so just have a stab and guess your best! You can even up the stakes by betting on the answer if you're really sure and risk a whole lot more. Each card contains a set of 'facts' which may or may not be true and you have to decide whether they are complete BS or 'no bull'.
A fast moving, easy to play card and dice game for grownups, our bullshit game requires you to separate fact from fiction.